taco bell

What to eat if you want to turn your ass into Mount St.Helens. Why mount St.Helens you ask? Because it turns your shit into liquid explosive that blasts out your asshole at such high speeds it will take out anything in its path. It has been said that taco bell shits can literally blow the toilet right out from under you. The feeling that results from this shit volcano is a burning asshole that feels like it has been ripped apart. The following steps are what lead to the explosion. 1.Go to Taco Bell and order a grilled stuffed burrito. 2.Leave Taco Bell full and feeling rather shitty. 3.Get home and start to feeling the rumbling stomach the represents the earthquake before the volcano. 4.Run to the bathroom desperately clinching you buttcheeks together. 5.Get to toilet sit down. 6.EXPLODE SHIT all over your toilet bowl, ass cheeks, and nut sack. 7.Wipe your ass extra well, and possibly follow with a shower.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to taco bell. Some of the top words include: toss the salad, tossing the salad, gum rot, emfa, coney taco, and 25 more.